

Oh, the places she will go!

Today my little baby, who was no more than a mewling, pooping babe in my arms four years ago, finished preschool. It was very emotional. Remembering her first week last October when she cried...


Here there be Dragons! Netflix party

Did I tell you how excited I was? I probably didn’t. Well, I was excited. In fairness Roz was excited too, but I’d say I was more excited than she was. I got a...


Girls can be cool too, right?

I’ll set the scene for you. It was Sunday morning. We were in Lidl, in the middle isle where they usually have their toys and cookware and clothing and other items that you can...


When you’re dead….

“When you’re dead” She said with a straight face, calmly eating her breakfast. “When you’re dead..” “when I’m dead? You want me dead?!” “Noooo, when you’re an old granny and then you’re dead, and...


Hi-ho, hi-ho. It’s off a-gardening we go…

We finally made it to the allotment. Two weeks in a row! I think I definitely deserve a high-five for that. The first time, a fortnight ago, was a no-matter-what-the-weather trip, and I was...


A winner!

So I have a winner for the six month Netflix subscription. In case you’re interested, the original post was here. This beautiful little box is now on its way somewhere in Ireland to make...