Tagged: balance


tumbles and stumbles for years to come

My poor little baby. She’s beginning to master the art of crawling, and with it comes all the dangers. We’ve had to check the floor more often for paper, coins and other minute items...


Starting 2017 with a bang, blah, blah

Twenty seventeen, twenty seventeen. I’m feeling very optimistic about twenty seventeen.  Not only are we in the process of making a HEEYUUUGE change as a family (more on that in the coming weeks), but for the...


Product review: Alflorex Children’s probiotics

So I haven’t really posted anything health related for a while, but I’m still very active in trying to change our little family’s eating habits to be more health friendly, and especially, gut friendly....


The week I was reminded that I am black

  It’s been a long couple of weeks. Between starting and finishing my dissertation over a two and a half week period (which I would not advise) and trying to mind a five-year-old at...


The end is really f*****g nigh!

So, I’m back in college. The difference being that  this is my last year. My final year. The last six months of the course. Thirteen days of lectures, twelve group therapy sessions, six clinical...