Love your cookbooks, a linky with Hushabye farm – Chicken curry & goulash
The thing about linkys is that I don’t really have to think hard about what to write about because someone has already has a light bulb moment and done all the work for me. So when Elizabeth over on Life on hushabye farm created the challenge of dusting off the numerous cookbooks we have and get cooking, it was perfect! I actually had everything to go last week, then in a haze of studying and falling ill, forgot to publish the post!
I have a lot of cookbooks. far too many if you ask me, which, fair enough you didn’t, but you know *shrug* I have a lot. From baking to fast foods to meals in thirty minutes, to seventies recipe books by chefs I’ve never heard of with pictures I shudder at. I just love them. I put little tags on recipes I must try (and never do) on ingredients i should have (and never buy) and once every blue moon I actually try out a recipe and get Krys to eat it, wait thirty seconds, and if we don’t need an ambulance, eat some too.
I’m kidding.
okay…kind of.
So the linky calls for fellow bloggers to #LoveYourCookBooks by picking two recipes from two cookbooks and blog the recipe and result.
Recipe 1: Creamy chicken curry
I got this recipe book four years ago for a fiver and love it…and rarely use it. I’ve always been daunted by the idea of cooking a curry from scratch so it was nice to kill two birds with one stone
So, things I left out of the original recipe: the lemon juice because I didn’t have any; I substituted coconut milk with half coconut milk and half yoghurt, I used Glenisk whole organic yoghurt; and I left out coriander because no amount of torture would make me eat coriander. It’s vile! Just vile!

It was effing delicious…not quite sure why mine wasn’t that lovely yellow colour but it sure tasted great.
The result:
It was absolutely delicious! I was also surprised at how easy it was to make from scratch and will definitely add it to my batch cooking recipes for the week.
Recipe 2: Goulash
I looked at this recipe and it’s very much what most Zambians do with beef, so it was nice to play around a little bit. Again, I got the book in a sale for next to nothing and this is about the third time I’ve used it.
I didn’t have any caraway seeds, and substituted the potato for butternut squash because Roz wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole if I added potato. and I didn’t garnish with sour cream as I was going to eat it with Nshima, a national Zambian dish which would have tasted weird with it.
My camera ran out of memory and I had to keep going!
It was okay, I didn’t fry the beef quick enough which let out all the juices so it was a bit chewy, but will work on it. It was really easy to cook and Roz ate every last drop of her meal. High praise indeed!
Thanks again Elizabeth, for letting me in so late to the linky, and for giving me the opportunity to dust off the much loved but rarely used books.
They look great! I love making curry but the kids won’t eat it. I will persevere 🙂
Had I known they were so straightforward I’d have made curries ages ago. Mine won’t eat them either.