Tagged: life


Girls can be cool too, right?

I’ll set the scene for you. It was Sunday morning. We were in Lidl, in the middle isle where they usually have their toys and cookware and clothing and other items that you can...


Hi-ho, hi-ho. It’s off a-gardening we go…

We finally made it to the allotment. Two weeks in a row! I think I definitely deserve a high-five for that. The first time, a fortnight ago, was a no-matter-what-the-weather trip, and I was...


Sunday pictures

So I’m up to my ears at the moment starting preps for my exams in early May, and the writing muse has abandoned me. I’ve decided that Sundays would actually be a great day...


Ten real #thirdworldproblems

I always get a good laugh out of the #firstworldproblems on twitter. They are insanely funny. Not so much on the #thirdworldproblems, because it’s mostly people who don’t have a clue what it’s really...


The Sun is coming back!

It is!I know it started its journey northwards from the twenty-second of December, but the mornings have been so dark and gloomy the last few weeks that it seemed the dark winter days would...

My little bilingual toddler 1

My little bilingual toddler

I belong to a Facebook group of bilingual parents and it’s great. I have talked about how I don’t know what to do about teaching Roz Tonga haven’t I? About how I despair that...

Random, illness induced babbling. 1

Random, illness induced babbling.

I am not feeling well. For some reason, my bod feels the need to torment me in this weather. The tube (is there a tube? I’m not sure) from my right ear all the...