Tagged: sleep


Here I lie, awake…

Small girl is sick. She has a proper cold, complete with runny nose and bad temper. She’s also discovered that boogers are tasty, in that stomach churning way that all kids do. There’s a...


Heeeeeres Jessie!

So Roz now has her own room. Okay, I say *now* but she’s had it for about a month I think? …. Anyway, it was time. There were only so many times I could...

Mutiny in the house… 2

Mutiny in the house…

Well, I obviously don’t have a ship and crew parked anywhere but I feel like I have been given the ole heave-ho. I’m still reeling. I better get to the telling. So you know...

belief and enlightenment über alles! 0

belief and enlightenment über alles!

I have been struggling for the last two weeks to try and get Roz to sleep longer during the night (she sleeps a maximum of four hours at a stretch, and that rarely), to...

One rainy Irish day…. 0

One rainy Irish day….

Today was the day of the great MORNING OFF. For those not familiar with this day, it’s the one day in the week when Krys takes care of Roz for the whole morning and...