Category: Parenting


Here I lie, awake…

Small girl is sick. She has a proper cold, complete with runny nose and bad temper. She’s also discovered that boogers are tasty, in that stomach churning way that all kids do. There’s a...


What we do in the shadows

We’ve had a hard week. So yes, I’m aware that I’ve missed my “post at least once a week” thing already. Shit! But short of having a time machine, I can’t change that, so...


The end of the fourth trimester 

It’s been great, this last hidden trimester. Getting to know her, watching her go from a small curled up bag of bones and skin to a chubby cuddly little human child. From curled up...


Every day gets a little bit easier.

Last week, I had written a draft post about my experience with my C-Section, and then on Monday morning, I opened up the internet to find that as luck would have it, someone’s rant...


You will love her more than me

These were the words Roz threw at me a few weeks ago on the bus. We were on our way home from one of out trips, sitting snuggled up in the bus. I’d like...