Tagged: finding balance


Netflix tag 2017

It’s been a while since I wrote a post, lots of things going on furiously in the background, and I just haven’t been able to string a coherent thought together for the past two...



I know the exact moment when it happened. I stepped into the shower, turned the Taos and thought, ‘if I leave right now, I’ve an hour head start and they’ll never ever find me’ It...


What we do in the shadows

We’ve had a hard week. So yes, I’m aware that I’ve missed my “post at least once a week” thing already. Shit! But short of having a time machine, I can’t change that, so...


A change will do you good

So one of the major changes we’re making this year as a family, is moving from the apartment we’ve lived in for five and a half years. It’s a beautiful apartment, lovely neighbourhood, close...


Starting 2017 with a bang, blah, blah

Twenty seventeen, twenty seventeen. I’m feeling very optimistic about twenty seventeen.  Not only are we in the process of making a HEEYUUUGE change as a family (more on that in the coming weeks), but for the...


Breastfeeding again – WBW 2016

She’s finally here! The little child that ice spent forty weeks waiting for.  And it’s been a whirlwind of a week. I forgot how much time and energy that birth, and then having a...


Hi-ho, hi-ho. It’s off a-gardening we go…

We finally made it to the allotment. Two weeks in a row! I think I definitely deserve a high-five for that. The first time, a fortnight ago, was a no-matter-what-the-weather trip, and I was...