Tagged: motherhood


Heeeeeres Jessie!

So Roz now has her own room. Okay, I say *now* but she’s had it for about a month I think? …. Anyway, it was time. There were only so many times I could...


The first rung of school has been climbed – Hooray!

It was a very strange start to the day. Roz opened her eyes at exactly 7:33, gave me a big smile and said, “Today is big school!” What better way is there to start...


Girls can be cool too, right?

I’ll set the scene for you. It was Sunday morning. We were in Lidl, in the middle isle where they usually have their toys and cookware and clothing and other items that you can...

working seven till five… 0

working seven till five…

What did I tell you about keeping friends? I’m now more convinced than ever that I’m cursed. Cursed I tells ya! There I was thinking that befriending an Irish person would mean an end...

when I grow up… 4

when I grow up…

It’s been one hell of a week. With Krys in full-time work, I’ve had the pleasure of having Roz all to myself from sun-up to sun-down, and boy is it hard work! I now...

belief and enlightenment über alles! 0

belief and enlightenment über alles!

I have been struggling for the last two weeks to try and get Roz to sleep longer during the night (she sleeps a maximum of four hours at a stretch, and that rarely), to...