The first rung of school has been climbed – Hooray!

From iPhone 1035

It was a very strange start to the day. Roz opened her eyes at exactly 7:33, gave me a big smile and said,

“Today is big school!”

What better way is there to start the day? None in my books.

She had her breakfast and for once, allowed me to brush out and put ribbons in her hair. Her hair is usually a no-go zone for me. I’m allowed to wash and brush it twice a week and not allowed anywhere close between those times.

“I’m not a big dolly mummy”, I’m often told and I want to say,

“Ah come on kid, that’s the whole point of having a daughter! A real live dolly. You’re ruining this for me, ruining it.”

But I don’t.

And today I was not only allowed to brush it, but also put ribbons in it, in honour of her first day.

I was not, however, allowed to pick any of her clothes. That is strictly her department. I ask her politely if she’d like to wear the new skirt I got her and tried not to look too enthusiastic, because then I would just scare her off. She cocked her head , looked me square in the eyes and, lifting the shorts she had chosen, said,

“Mummy I want to wear this skirt which I choosed. Do you want me to wear that one?”

(I will mourn the loss of her grappling with tenses, it’s so effing cute!)

I put on my most solemn, non pleading face – hey, it’s a really nice skirt! – and said,

“Yes, I would really like you to wear this skirt. Look, it even matched your top”. And it did!

“Well, it’s my choice and my choice is this one”, she said putting the shorts she had chosen on.

Win some, you lose some. At least I got to play brush her hair, right?

We got the bag, we put on our shoes, checked the weather and left the umbrellas at home, and got on our way.

We did the walk yesterday to meet the principal, teacher and classrooms so we knew how long it would take and arrived just in time to have a quick oooh and aaaah.

I’m not a crier, I’m not. Not about stuff like this. I used to worry there was something wrong with me but I’ve made my peace with it a long time ago. I’m more of a lie down in a quiet room kind of person when I get too emotional, so I knew I wouldn’t be crying today, and I didn’t. What surprised me is that the media always goes on about mums crying on the first day and yet I only saw dry eyes all around.

Perhaps it was because we’ve all come from the community and it’s a very small community where you’re bound to see everyone in the playground once in a while. Or maybe it was because mos of the kids already knew each other from the preschool and saw each other only last week, maybe it’s because there was such an air of absolute excitement and happiness in the air that it was hard not to get swept up by it and get lifted clean into the clouds by the giggles and the chats and the delight n being with old friends and new that the kids just ran around deciding who was going to sit where and do what. We had to get gently shooed out of the room by the teacher as it felt too infectious to leave all  that happiness behind.

Day one was only an hour long, so a coffee, tea and whatever else later, we were back to pick them p. Boy were  they pissed! Roz clearly did not want to leave.

Did I mention she had told us to leave the second we got there?


Well, the second we got her to school, she asked very kindly that we leave.

We went to the playground, and her and her cousin refused to be separated so they both came over to mine and played and played. And wouldn’t be separated till a promise was extracted from my sister that Roz would go over to their house tomorrow after school to play.

Krzys took her swimming in the evening while I finally got a chance to put my feet up and…batch cook even more food for the week, and typically, just as I had my coffee ready and sat down to enjoy it, they returned.

Such is life. I am exhausted and glad she had such a great day. It’s wonderful watching her spread her wings that little further away from her little nest. And even though there is a pain of realising she is no longer my baby, there is also the pride of knowing she’s now my little girl.

And I’ll tell you one thing, after all that busyness today, it only took about five seconds and she was out cold.

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29 Responses

  1. Christine says:

    Excellent. You couldn’t ask for a better start. (Well, I suppose if she’d worn the skirt…)

  2. Una says:

    What a lovely piece. Went through the same myself. It really is a proud moment for us all. Glad she got on well. Yes those tenses are just the cutest!

    • Muuka says:

      Thank you Una. I’m glad you guys had a great day soon. Long may it continue. I know I’ll miss the day she figures out all the tenses, they really are so cute with their little mistakes.

  3. Oivia says:

    So glad it went well. It’s so funny – I tell Eva she’s my little dolly too. I do a deal with her now and let her do my hair if she lets me do her hair. It works! 🙂

    • Muuka says:

      See if I didn’t have dreadlocks that would work. But oh I’m so glad I’m not the only one who kinda sorta sees my daughter as a live dolly 🙂

  4. My little man starts pre-school next week and I know for sure I’ll get teary!! They grow up so fast don’t they xx #anythinggoes

  5. Shareen HD says:

    This is amazing and cute and emotional! My daughter is starting preschool in 2 weeks and will have her first proper uniform so I can just imagine how you will be feeling. Your daughter seems amazingly wise also so well done you xx

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    • Muuka says:

      Thanks Shareen. She always amazes me with the things she comes out with and there’s so much I learn from her. Best of luc to you and your daughter i two weeks and I’ll be sure to look for a blog post about how you get on.

  6. Sara says:

    Awwww, this is so so so cute! I hope your little one enjoys school! I am a teacher and I love seeing all the new kiddies come in on the first day all excited – so cute! xxx

  7. Eimear says:

    Gorgeous, I’m going to be so emoitional next year when my small lady makes the big step to school, its hard to believe they grow up so quickly and school is the first of many adventures they take on their own!

  8. SANDRA says:

    beautiful post, my little boy started school yesterday, its such a big milestone for them and for us xx

  9. Wow, sounds like a perfect start for school. It really couldn’t have gone any better. I hope our first day looks like this next year 🙂

  10. I truly enjoyed reading your blog post and I love how much of an opinion your daughter has eg on her hair or clothing. I think it is adorable. I am not a mother myself but this sounds like the perfect first day at school day.

  11. Alex says:

    Ahhhhh she sound like such a lovely, independent little girl! Actually reminds me of how my mum describes me as a child. I knew exactly what I wanted. That’s certainly not a bad thing, I turned out ok 😉 xx

  12. Lianne says:

    Aw yay such a good start!! My eldest started secondary school this week!! But I remember his first day of school like it was yesterday!! He also told us to leave when we got there!! 🙂 & he cried when we came to pick him up!! #anythinggoes

  13. Thanks for linking up with #anythinggoes linky. We have all of this to come on the 14th late starting here!! I feel so left out because most kids are back now. Im excited and nervous. xx

  14. Ickle Pickle says:

    Oh bless her – what a lovely post. Pickle starts in January and I just can’t bear the though of it. Kaz x

  15. Sheila says:

    Just testing your comments!
    Sheila recently posted…Hosting and Domain options for your wordpress blogMy Profile

  1. September 20, 2015

    […] weekly round up was brought to you by Muuka at Another drop of ink, mum of one feisty girl who has just started primary school and is keeping her on her toes with all the adventures that […]

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