Tagged: parenting

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Slugs and snails and walking in fear of my sanity

It’s fair to say that the kids have broken me. Why on earth I thought two night owls would have children who went to bed early, I have no idea. None at all. They are as...


‘I thinka mighta gotta job…’

That’s one of my favourite lines in one of my favourite movies staring Damon Wayans and Marlon Wayans – Mo’ money.  And I made sure to use it two weeks ago when I got...


tumbles and stumbles for years to come

My poor little baby. She’s beginning to master the art of crawling, and with it comes all the dangers. We’ve had to check the floor more often for paper, coins and other minute items...


Adventures in cloth nappying day 3

O today I was very brace and put the baby in cloth nappies the whole day. I decided to use the white nua baby brand that I mentioned before, because of the detachable inserts....



I know the exact moment when it happened. I stepped into the shower, turned the Taos and thought, ‘if I leave right now, I’ve an hour head start and they’ll never ever find me’ It...


Cats, moving,teething, sleeping and sitting

You know what? It’s late and I couldn’t come up with a better title so I’m not even going to apologise for it. Lots has been happening here and as usual, I’ve written many...